Seeing Clearly
The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. Sir Edward Grey August 3, 1914
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The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. Sir Edward Grey August 3, 1914
Gabriel was an angry and ambitious young man determined to change the world, but he was having a bad day. Only a half an hour earlier, at 10:00 AM, a friend had been arrested for ineffectively tossing a bomb at a car, the main effect of which was apparently to scratch the nape of a
You Can Make a Difference (But should you?) Read More »
“The blow that hurled the modern world on its course of self-destruction was the Great War of 1914-18. It was called great on account of its size rather than for any notable merit. When its sequel broke out in 1940, the earlier conflict was renamed First World War in deference to the second. This was
100 Years from the Great War Read More »