Jonathan Councell

Holy Trinity Head Mentor

Jonathan Councell is Chair of the Upper School Humanities at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School where he teaches an integrated Humane Letters curriculum, Lost Tools of Writing, and the Classics. He also serves as their Head Mentor for this school based Apprenticeship program. A graduate of the CiRCE Institute’s master teacher program and former Dean of Classical Education and Research at The Connection School of Houston, Jonathan is a passionate and outspoken advocate of Christian Classical education and he consults in curriculum and pedagogy, writes freelance, and lectures.  He currently lives in Beaufort, South Carolina with his wife Laura, daughter Claire Elaine, and a small menagerie of creatures: a springer-spaniel named Bertram, a fife-canary named Bryn, a hedgehog named Nigel, and a small brood of nameless—but loved—quail.