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Conference report and thanks

I’ve hardly had any time to blog on the conference because of trips and commitments, but I have to at least mention a few things. First, I’m profoundly grateful to the sponsors for their support and to the host school: Our Savior Lutheran.

Other sponsors included Memorial Lutheran, Covenant Academy, and Providence Classical School. The Center for the American Idea and Intercollegiate Studies Institute also provided signficant help in sponsoring speakers and the Paideia Prize. Thanks to the Center for The American Idea, the Paideia Prize was significantly increased over past years.

So to all of the sponsors I want to say another profound and meaningful “Thank You!”

I’ve been listening in on workshop recordings while they’re being edited and I’m pleased to report that they are at least as inspiring and helpful as former conferences have been. If you order a set while they’re being edited you’ll receive what we in the office call “the trust discount.” We mean that because you have trusted us to deliver a quality product to you, we will give you a discount when you order it ahead of time. For only $97 you can order at least 30 conference recordings. This includes at least 6 plenaries, about 20 workshops (give or take a few), and a number of colloquies. If you are interested, go to our web site here:

Perhaps the most emotionally powerful presentation was Barbara Elliott’s description of the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Barbara was there at the time and has a nuanced understanding of what happened and God’s hand in it all. Having a mother who fled East Berlin on her 17th birthday, I was overwhelmed by Barbara’s stories.

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